Sunday, March 27, 2011

Look who lost their first tooth!! She lost it 3-11-2011 and Spring school pictures were taken 3-13-2011..........sigh. I was hoping for one more set of pictures with all her baby teeth. Needless to say, she was so excited it finally fell out (at school) and the tooth fairy could visit!!



Unknown said...

so cute!! i remember when some of my teeth fell out!! i'd throw them onto the roof and wait for the little mice to take the tooth fairy tooo....there's this awesome book about different customs/traditions around the world for what to do with baby teeth! ..

just wanted to let you know, that I have a great giveaway on my blog! A Bikini by a young female designer! Check out, you'll love it! i PROMISE!

Tammy said...

Thanks!! She was pretty proud:)

That book would be a very interesting read!!
